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Il fallo ermetico di Enki, il creatore della nuova umanita' o Dio divoratore delle culture precedenti divorato a sua volta dai nuovi regnanti...

Ultimo Aggiornamento: 27/06/2017 13:25
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Post: 2.588
Sesso: Femminile
27/06/2017 01:30
Scheda Utente

Se il mio commento non e' gradito, puo' togliersi senza problemi....

La natura ambigua dell'amore,
della politica, della religione e di conseguenza degli umani...
Ambigua e' la nostra cultura,
le nostre religioni dove quello che
era anticamente sacro come il sesso, le droghe,
il cannibalismo rituale dei santi,
le offerte di umani/animali/piante alle
nostre ipotetiche divinita' precedenti,
erano considerati atti sacri divenuti
in seguito profani dagli stessi poteri che
cambiavano le pratiche aggiornandole con altre
e rivaleggiando tra di loro per territori,
risorse e schiavi umani in modo molto ma molto ambiguo
tramite l'utilizzo dei credi e delle razze predilette
da questo o quel Dio occulto che mai nessuno ha visto
e mai nessuno vedra' perche' non era certo un Dio, l'essere
dai mille esseri ambigui che cambiavano faccia/predica/religione/politica di
era in era per riadattarsi alle nuove intelligenze/necessita' degli
umani e proseguire con la loro ambiguita' sempre piu' ovvia,
a chi non e' drogato/accecato di droghe, culti della old/new age
o sete di gallegginismo/notorieta'/denaro......

La verita' non verra' mai a galla da sola, perche' da sempre e' vergognosa
ed ambigua, ma bisogna andarla a ricercare da
noi stessi, non sui libri, classi di esoterismo/religione e nelle scuole che non ci
insegnano nulla di quello che un essere umano dovrebbe sapere/capire del suo lontano
passato che ha creato quello successivo ed il presente, dei credi precedenti
e divinita' precedenti assorbite e rimodellate dalle religioni successive che hanno segnato
l'inizio e fine/distruzione ciclica delle varie epoche, ma la verita' e' ancora
accessibile perche' i testi/immagini/essenze del passato, non sono stati tutti distrutti come
avevano deciso i potenti per non farci sapere/capire l'ambigua verita' occultata.
le verita' si intravedono ancora negli spezzoni del passato che sono ancora presenti
sull'intero pianeta, come lo e' la natura, ambigua nel suo operare, dare alla luce le
sue creature, nuove forme di vita e tutto e tutti si cibano delle altre forme di vita fin
dall'inizio dei tempi su tutte le scale e questo e' molto ambiguo per una entita'
considerata divina, amorevole, ma che oltre a crearci, divorarci e distruggerci
ciclicamente era dopo era in mille modi diversi ogni volta che le colonie di umani
raggiungono il soprannumero od una intelligenza eccessiva e pericolosa per i poteri
politici da sempre controllati e dominati da quelli religiosi fin dai tempi di enki,
e non credo che molto sia cambiato, e puntualmente ogni gruppo di umani che emergono
e si credono superiori, invincibili, evoluti, potenti, sprofondano nel nulla grazie
alle nostre ambigue divinita' creatrici divoratrici di umani che cambiano pelle,
prediche e favolette religiose riadattandosi ai tempi per continuare a seminare
ambiguita' che io non approvo perche' se le nuove divinita' sono figlie di quelle
precedenti e sono un tutt'uno con esse, quelle precedenti erano cannibali,
massacratrici divoratrici di umani come riportato storicamente in molti contesti non
sono sui testi delle piramidi, sulle pratiche relgiose parallele degli altri movimenti
ambigui etc...che hanno cambiato prediche mascherandosi sotto nuove mentite spoglie
che io trovo davvero ambigue perche' quelle spoglie appartengono a divinita'
precedenti assorbite e rimodellata nelle culture religiose successive, spesso razziste,
guerrafondaie, sterminatrici di rivali o di infedeli, che da sempre
controllano le politiche del mondo o sbaglio? Io sono diretta e non ambigua, giusta
o sbagliata, mostro la mia vera faccia ed il mio vero nome ed i miei reali pensieri
percezioni che davvero spero siano errate altrimenti e' davvero triste quello che
la cultura esteriore ha creato invece di elevarci e farci divenire esseri piu'
intelligenti onesti veri......papagalli che ripetono a memoria i ritornelli letti,
appresi senza usare un minimo di intelligenza propria, non significa essere umani,
ma ben altro....scimmie che imitano le mode tendenze del momento per sentirsi ganze,
non significa essere scimmie e pappagalli con lauree e culture da
sfoggio incapaci di usare intelligenza superiore per fare serie analisi sulle
pappagallate apprese e riepetute per ammaliare le folle a cui tanto piace
ascoltare o leggere e credere favolette...e questa la dice lunga sull'intelligenza
degli umani che per me e' molto ambigua...

Il culto fallico di Ermete, tre volte fallico come enki/osiride/serapis
ed altre divinita' precedenti assorbite dai miti successivi:

L'occhio fallico del demonio/fallo/uccello di enki, creatore delle sacre arti,
dai tanti nomi, storie epiche leggende riadattate di era in era
ai nuovi formati???
Forse si, forse miliardi di coincidenze non possono
certo chiamarsi piu' "tali"....

Nessuno davvero ha compreso perche' il fallo di Enki, era considerato un Dio creatore dalle due acque,
fiumi, colonne, aiutanti, sepenti, ali etc... e perche' Enki, era considerato il dio fallico e rappresentato
con un serpente che e' anche il simbolo del fallo ed una testa umana, che sarebbe la testa
superiore del bambino/figlio/uccello/bestia etc...

L'occhio fallico del Dio creatore che usava i culti fallici per viaggiare nel nostro corpo/anima/psiche/dna...

Molto ambigua come figura di ermete, creatore delle nuove razze umane che
si ciba della sua creazione/seme...

Ambigua la coltivazione ed adorazione di falli/serpenti/omphalis del Dio, oppure funghi chiamati falli/occhi
della terra che schiacciarono/divorarono e sostituirono la creazione precedente a scadenze delle grandi epoche o stagini cosmiche?

Leggere tra le righe quello che da sempre i poteri religiosi che
controllavano quelli politici fin dai tempi di Enki/Serapis/Osiride
ci hanno nascosto?

[Modificato da sp3ranza 27/06/2017 01:41]
Post: 2.588
Sesso: Femminile
27/06/2017 13:25
Scheda Utente

Now afterward, (at) evening time, bed was prepared for them, and they both lay down. But during the night, Set caused his phallus to become stiff and inserted it between Horus’s thighs. Then Horus placed his hands between his thighs and received Set’s semen. Horus went to tell his mother Isis: “Help me, Isis, my mother, come and see what Set has done to me.” And he opened his hand(s) and let her see Set’s semen. She let out a loud shriek, seized the copper (knife), cut off his hand(s) that were equivalent. Then she fetched some fragrant ointment and applied it to Horus’s phallus. She caused it to become stiff and inserted it into a pot, and he caused his semen to flow down into it.

Whoa whoa whoa, wait a second. I warned you the story would get real really quickly. In this scene, we can extrapolate that virility is synonymous with dominance. Set tries to insert himself into Horus’ thighs, similar to how a man would ease into a woman, in order to assert his superiority by mounting Horus. When Horus has Set’s semen in his hands, it demonstrates that he has been defiled by another man’s essence, so much in fact that his mother has to cut off the hands altogether. The only way to remedy the situation is for part of his essence–his liquescent power–to come out as well.

Isis at morning time went carrying the semen of Horus to the garden of Set and said to Set’s gardener: “What sort of vegetable is it that Set eats here in your company?” So the gardener told her: “He doesn’t eat any vegetable here in my company except lettuce.” And Isis added the semen of Horus onto it. Set returned according to his daily habit and ate the lettuce, which he regularly ate. Thereupon he became pregnant with the semen of Horus.

Ramses's III's funerary temple relief
Ramses’s III’s funerary temple relief
Lettuce. Out of all foods, why would it be lettuce instead of chocolate or oysters, which are said to stir sexual arousal? In ancient Egypt, lettuce was not considered a part of one’s salad but rather, an aphrodisiac. The Egyptian god of fertility, Min, was said to have had an extreme love for lettuce. According to a text on the Edfu Temple, the lettuce was able to help Min relentlessly perform.* On the relief of his funerary temple, Ramses III partakes in a harvest festival in honor of Min. A procession of priests carry large stalks of lettuce–phallic symbols, tall and erect. In fact, if one were to cut a lettuce leaf in half, a whitish, milky substance would ooze out of it. Care to guess what that reminded people of? Furthermore, lettuce is replete with vitamin A which bolsters both the male and female reproductive systems. For women, the vitamin stimulates our cycles and for the men, it assists with sperm production, and of course, virility.

Towards the end of the story, both Horus and Set appear in front of Thoth, who was another deity known to handle godly disputes:

Said Set: “Let me be awarded the office of Ruler … for as to Horus, the one who is standing (trial), I have performed the labor of a male against him.”

In other words, Horus cannot be ruler of Egypt because he had been covered in sperm like a woman. Because Set has performed a “labor of a male against him,” Horus cannot rule over anyone. He had already been ruled.

Horus then took an oath by god as follows: “All that Set has said is false. Let Set’s semen be summoned that we may see from where it answers, and my own be summoned that we may see from where it answers.”

Then Thoth, lord of script and scribe of truth for the Ennead, put his hand on Horus’s shoulder and said: “Come out, you semen of Set.”

And it answered him from the water in the interior of the marsh. Thoth put his hand on Set’s shoulder and said: “Come out, you semen of Horus.”

Then it said to him: “Where shall I come from?”

Thoth said to it: “Come out from his ear.”

Thereupon it said to him: “Is it from his ear that I should issue forth, seeing that I am divine seed?”

Then Thoth said to it:”Come out from the top of his head.”

And it emerged as a golden solar disk upon Set’s head. Set became exceeding furious and extended his hand(s) to seize the golden solar disk. Thoth took it away from him and placed it as a crown upon his (own) head […]

And so Set took a great oath by [the] god as follows: “He shall not be awarded the office.”

It’s one thing to have semen caught in your hands, but to actually ingest becomes of grave consequence. Unbeknownst to Set, he ate lettuce along with Horus’ semen, where it was held in his body as in a woman’s body for conception. In this myth, lettuce, an ancient aphrodisiac, is the tool used to submit Set to Horus’s power. It is not through might or political acumen that Horus regains the throne, but rather, through his loins. Through his phallus, Horus was able to give Set his comeuppance but it was by food that the plan was carried to completion. From this tale, we see how food and sexuality are two sides of the same coin, working alongside one another to bring out a certain purpose–in this case, political ascendancy.

*See K. Annabelle Smith’s piece, “When Lettuce was a Sacred Sex Symbol,” at

Image courtesy of “Botanical No. 10, 1859: Cucumber Asparagus Turnip Pepper Potato Lettuce.” Vilmorin Seed Co. Lithograph.
Post: 2.588
Sesso: Femminile
27/06/2017 13:25
Scheda Utente

Now afterward, (at) evening time, bed was prepared for them, and they both lay down. But during the night, Set caused his phallus to become stiff and inserted it between Horus’s thighs. Then Horus placed his hands between his thighs and received Set’s semen. Horus went to tell his mother Isis: “Help me, Isis, my mother, come and see what Set has done to me.” And he opened his hand(s) and let her see Set’s semen. She let out a loud shriek, seized the copper (knife), cut off his hand(s) that were equivalent. Then she fetched some fragrant ointment and applied it to Horus’s phallus. She caused it to become stiff and inserted it into a pot, and he caused his semen to flow down into it.

Whoa whoa whoa, wait a second. I warned you the story would get real really quickly. In this scene, we can extrapolate that virility is synonymous with dominance. Set tries to insert himself into Horus’ thighs, similar to how a man would ease into a woman, in order to assert his superiority by mounting Horus. When Horus has Set’s semen in his hands, it demonstrates that he has been defiled by another man’s essence, so much in fact that his mother has to cut off the hands altogether. The only way to remedy the situation is for part of his essence–his liquescent power–to come out as well.

Isis at morning time went carrying the semen of Horus to the garden of Set and said to Set’s gardener: “What sort of vegetable is it that Set eats here in your company?” So the gardener told her: “He doesn’t eat any vegetable here in my company except lettuce.” And Isis added the semen of Horus onto it. Set returned according to his daily habit and ate the lettuce, which he regularly ate. Thereupon he became pregnant with the semen of Horus.

Ramses's III's funerary temple relief
Ramses’s III’s funerary temple relief
Lettuce. Out of all foods, why would it be lettuce instead of chocolate or oysters, which are said to stir sexual arousal? In ancient Egypt, lettuce was not considered a part of one’s salad but rather, an aphrodisiac. The Egyptian god of fertility, Min, was said to have had an extreme love for lettuce. According to a text on the Edfu Temple, the lettuce was able to help Min relentlessly perform.* On the relief of his funerary temple, Ramses III partakes in a harvest festival in honor of Min. A procession of priests carry large stalks of lettuce–phallic symbols, tall and erect. In fact, if one were to cut a lettuce leaf in half, a whitish, milky substance would ooze out of it. Care to guess what that reminded people of? Furthermore, lettuce is replete with vitamin A which bolsters both the male and female reproductive systems. For women, the vitamin stimulates our cycles and for the men, it assists with sperm production, and of course, virility.

Towards the end of the story, both Horus and Set appear in front of Thoth, who was another deity known to handle godly disputes:

Said Set: “Let me be awarded the office of Ruler … for as to Horus, the one who is standing (trial), I have performed the labor of a male against him.”

In other words, Horus cannot be ruler of Egypt because he had been covered in sperm like a woman. Because Set has performed a “labor of a male against him,” Horus cannot rule over anyone. He had already been ruled.

Horus then took an oath by god as follows: “All that Set has said is false. Let Set’s semen be summoned that we may see from where it answers, and my own be summoned that we may see from where it answers.”

Then Thoth, lord of script and scribe of truth for the Ennead, put his hand on Horus’s shoulder and said: “Come out, you semen of Set.”

And it answered him from the water in the interior of the marsh. Thoth put his hand on Set’s shoulder and said: “Come out, you semen of Horus.”

Then it said to him: “Where shall I come from?”

Thoth said to it: “Come out from his ear.”

Thereupon it said to him: “Is it from his ear that I should issue forth, seeing that I am divine seed?”

Then Thoth said to it:”Come out from the top of his head.”

And it emerged as a golden solar disk upon Set’s head. Set became exceeding furious and extended his hand(s) to seize the golden solar disk. Thoth took it away from him and placed it as a crown upon his (own) head […]

And so Set took a great oath by [the] god as follows: “He shall not be awarded the office.”

It’s one thing to have semen caught in your hands, but to actually ingest becomes of grave consequence. Unbeknownst to Set, he ate lettuce along with Horus’ semen, where it was held in his body as in a woman’s body for conception. In this myth, lettuce, an ancient aphrodisiac, is the tool used to submit Set to Horus’s power. It is not through might or political acumen that Horus regains the throne, but rather, through his loins. Through his phallus, Horus was able to give Set his comeuppance but it was by food that the plan was carried to completion. From this tale, we see how food and sexuality are two sides of the same coin, working alongside one another to bring out a certain purpose–in this case, political ascendancy.

*See K. Annabelle Smith’s piece, “When Lettuce was a Sacred Sex Symbol,” at

Image courtesy of “Botanical No. 10, 1859: Cucumber Asparagus Turnip Pepper Potato Lettuce.” Vilmorin Seed Co. Lithograph.
Post: 2.588
Sesso: Femminile
27/06/2017 13:25
Scheda Utente

Now afterward, (at) evening time, bed was prepared for them, and they both lay down. But during the night, Set caused his phallus to become stiff and inserted it between Horus’s thighs. Then Horus placed his hands between his thighs and received Set’s semen. Horus went to tell his mother Isis: “Help me, Isis, my mother, come and see what Set has done to me.” And he opened his hand(s) and let her see Set’s semen. She let out a loud shriek, seized the copper (knife), cut off his hand(s) that were equivalent. Then she fetched some fragrant ointment and applied it to Horus’s phallus. She caused it to become stiff and inserted it into a pot, and he caused his semen to flow down into it.

Whoa whoa whoa, wait a second. I warned you the story would get real really quickly. In this scene, we can extrapolate that virility is synonymous with dominance. Set tries to insert himself into Horus’ thighs, similar to how a man would ease into a woman, in order to assert his superiority by mounting Horus. When Horus has Set’s semen in his hands, it demonstrates that he has been defiled by another man’s essence, so much in fact that his mother has to cut off the hands altogether. The only way to remedy the situation is for part of his essence–his liquescent power–to come out as well.

Isis at morning time went carrying the semen of Horus to the garden of Set and said to Set’s gardener: “What sort of vegetable is it that Set eats here in your company?” So the gardener told her: “He doesn’t eat any vegetable here in my company except lettuce.” And Isis added the semen of Horus onto it. Set returned according to his daily habit and ate the lettuce, which he regularly ate. Thereupon he became pregnant with the semen of Horus.

Ramses's III's funerary temple relief
Ramses’s III’s funerary temple relief
Lettuce. Out of all foods, why would it be lettuce instead of chocolate or oysters, which are said to stir sexual arousal? In ancient Egypt, lettuce was not considered a part of one’s salad but rather, an aphrodisiac. The Egyptian god of fertility, Min, was said to have had an extreme love for lettuce. According to a text on the Edfu Temple, the lettuce was able to help Min relentlessly perform.* On the relief of his funerary temple, Ramses III partakes in a harvest festival in honor of Min. A procession of priests carry large stalks of lettuce–phallic symbols, tall and erect. In fact, if one were to cut a lettuce leaf in half, a whitish, milky substance would ooze out of it. Care to guess what that reminded people of? Furthermore, lettuce is replete with vitamin A which bolsters both the male and female reproductive systems. For women, the vitamin stimulates our cycles and for the men, it assists with sperm production, and of course, virility.

Towards the end of the story, both Horus and Set appear in front of Thoth, who was another deity known to handle godly disputes:

Said Set: “Let me be awarded the office of Ruler … for as to Horus, the one who is standing (trial), I have performed the labor of a male against him.”

In other words, Horus cannot be ruler of Egypt because he had been covered in sperm like a woman. Because Set has performed a “labor of a male against him,” Horus cannot rule over anyone. He had already been ruled.

Horus then took an oath by god as follows: “All that Set has said is false. Let Set’s semen be summoned that we may see from where it answers, and my own be summoned that we may see from where it answers.”

Then Thoth, lord of script and scribe of truth for the Ennead, put his hand on Horus’s shoulder and said: “Come out, you semen of Set.”

And it answered him from the water in the interior of the marsh. Thoth put his hand on Set’s shoulder and said: “Come out, you semen of Horus.”

Then it said to him: “Where shall I come from?”

Thoth said to it: “Come out from his ear.”

Thereupon it said to him: “Is it from his ear that I should issue forth, seeing that I am divine seed?”

Then Thoth said to it:”Come out from the top of his head.”

And it emerged as a golden solar disk upon Set’s head. Set became exceeding furious and extended his hand(s) to seize the golden solar disk. Thoth took it away from him and placed it as a crown upon his (own) head […]

And so Set took a great oath by [the] god as follows: “He shall not be awarded the office.”

It’s one thing to have semen caught in your hands, but to actually ingest becomes of grave consequence. Unbeknownst to Set, he ate lettuce along with Horus’ semen, where it was held in his body as in a woman’s body for conception. In this myth, lettuce, an ancient aphrodisiac, is the tool used to submit Set to Horus’s power. It is not through might or political acumen that Horus regains the throne, but rather, through his loins. Through his phallus, Horus was able to give Set his comeuppance but it was by food that the plan was carried to completion. From this tale, we see how food and sexuality are two sides of the same coin, working alongside one another to bring out a certain purpose–in this case, political ascendancy.

*See K. Annabelle Smith’s piece, “When Lettuce was a Sacred Sex Symbol,” at

Image courtesy of “Botanical No. 10, 1859: Cucumber Asparagus Turnip Pepper Potato Lettuce.” Vilmorin Seed Co. Lithograph.
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